Aims & Scope

Aim and Scope

The Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies started its publication life in December 2022. It is a peer-reviewed, periodical, open-access journal that complies with international publication standards.


The Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies aims to contribute to the up-to-date information of scientific knowledge by including original, academic and scientific studies at the national and international levels and to announce the studies in this field to the scientific world.

The publication languages of The Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies Turkish and English. Articles written in English, Russian, French, German, Spanish or Turkish dialects may also be included in the journal, not exceeding one-fifth of the articles in each issue.


In The Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies, scientific originality-based studies, promotional and critique articles, translated articles in different disciplines such as social and human sciences, educational sciences, health sciences and natural sciences are shared with open access electronically after unbiased evaluations. Articles submitted to the journal are required to be unpublished elsewhere and not be in the process of being evaluated in another journal. Papers presented at scientific meetings are accepted provided that they are stated and not published before.

The Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies is published twice a year, in spring and fall (March and September).