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The gifted are individuals who have been determined by experts to perform at a higher level than their peers in intelligence, creativity, art, leadership capacity, motivation or special academic fields. Since gifted people constitute approximately 2% of the society, it is of great importance that they receive education in accordance with their abilities. Enderun School in the Ottoman Empire period is accepted as the first systematic educational institution in the world for gifted students. The founder of the Turkish Republic, Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, while laying the foundations of modern Turkey, also gave importance to the education of gifted people. Between 1923 and 1938, 925 selected students were sent to developed countries such as Germany, France, Belgium, the United States, Switzerland and England for university education. Due to the lack of schools and educators suitable for children with extraordinary talents in the field of music at that time, Suna Kan and İdil Biret, who were gifted in the field of music, went to France to the Paris Conservatory to receive education in accordance with their talents, with the law no. 5245 enacted on July 7, 1948. has been sent. Suna Kan, whose father was also a violinist in the Presidential Symphony Orchestra, was discovered when she was only five years old. She graduated from the Paris Conservatory, which she won first, with the first place. After her education, she returned to Turkey and became a violin soloist in the Presidential Symphony Orchestra in 1958. The subject of this research is Suna Kan, a gifted Turkish female artist who has achieved worldwide success and paid her debt to her country, which gave her concerts in all cities of Turkey and provided her with a special education.
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