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  • Hacer HÜSEYNOVA Azerbaycan Devlet Pedagoji Üniversitesi



Turkish points, modern Turkic-speaking states have a very ancient history, ancient culture, literature, folklore, language, beliefs and so on. Each of these aspects is an unbreakable link between the Turkic peoples. One of the features that distinguishes the Turks, who challenge the world with their strength, statehood tradition and culture, from other nations is respect for women, the sanctity of the mother and other issues. Azerbaijan is one of the modern Turkic states. Azerbaijan is an Oghuz land, and Azerbaijanis are Oghuz Turks. Not only Oguzs, but also other Turkic ethnic groups: Huns, Kipchaks, Bunturks, Khazars and others played an important role in the roots of our people.

Attitudes towards women have been different in the culture and history of our people. Women have always been considered invaluable and valuable. There is no other nation in the world that values ​​women as much as the Turks. First of all, the family was important for the Turks both in ancient and modern times. The mother is the basis of the family. Even before Christmas, the Turkish woman had a say in the family and supported her husband. In Europe, Africa and Arabia, when women were traded as slaves and girls were killed alive, Turkish women lived freely and had a say. In "Kitabi-Dada Gorgud" we encounter facts related to this issue.



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How to Cite

HÜSEYNOVA, H. (2023). ATTITUDES TOWARDS WOMEN IN AZERBAIJAN TURKS. Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies, 2(3), 27–31.