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  • Cemile UZUN Fırat Üniversitesi



Ağız, Türkiye Türkçesi, Erişkin dişi insan.


It is seen that some changes and developments in language create differences depending on gender.  The relationship between language and gender has attracted the attention of researchers since the 19th century and many studies have been conducted on language and gender.  Few studies have been conducted on linguistics and gender in Turkish.  In this study, the words used for female humans were analysed in terms of their meaning.

The words “lady, miss, wife, woman and wife” used for adult female people have a wide usage in the standard language and dialects of Turkish dialects of Turkey.  In this study, the use of the words “lady, miss, wife, woman and wife” in the dialects of Turkish dialects of Turkey is analysed.

The aim of the study is to determine the meanings of the words “lady, miss, wife, woman and wife” used for adult female people in Turkish dialects of Turkey.  In order to determine the usage of the words subject to the study, 3061 "compilation" texts were scanned. The meanings of the words “lady, miss, wife, woman and wife” were determined from the scanned texts. It was determined whether the words subject to the study have a distinctive characteristic according to the dialect region and the gender of the source person.


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How to Cite

UZUN, C. (2023). THE USE OF THE WORDS WİFE, LADY, MİSS, WİFE, WOMAN, AND WİFE IN THE DIALECTS OF TURKISH TURKEY. Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies, 2(3), 1–21.