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  • Nurdan Canbolat Gaziantep Üniversitesi
  • Yunus Emre TANSÜ Gaziantep Üniversitesi



In the countries that gained their independence after the collapse of the USSR union, factors such as the economic crisis, unemployment and cheap labor that forced individuals to migrate occurred. Accordingly, especially Turkey has become a country of immigration since 1980. When the distribution of migration on gender is examined, it is striking that the migration rate of women is quite high. Concepts such as "feminization of migration" and "feminization of poverty" began to gain meaning in research and studies on immigrant women.

In this study, which was prepared using the literature review method; It was investigated why women immigrated from their countries, why they preferred Turkey to settle, their access to employment in Turkey and in which sectors they could participate in business life. In addition, the problems they encountered after employment and the suggestions put forward for the solution of these problems were tried to be discussed. According to the findings, for female immigrants; It has been determined that their employment situation changes depending on the sectors, that the informal sector is the most important employment door, that they are subjected to various abuses due to the gender factor as well as the difficulties they are exposed to they remain silent by not protecting their rights due to the fear of being deported.


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How to Cite

Canbolat, N., & TANSÜ, Y. E. (2022). AN EVALUATION ON THE STUDIES EXAMINING THE ACCESS TO EMPLOYMENT OF MIGRANT WOMEN IN TURKEY. Journal of the Turkic World Women Studies, 1(1), 21–32.